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5 natural remedies for a good night's sleep

Written by on April 2nd, 2018.      0 comments

Sleep blog Natural sleep remedies

To celebrate the changing of the seasons - and that delicious extra hour in bed as the clocks fall back - here are some of our favourite natural sleep remedies and rituals to recreate at home.
Natural sleep remedies
1. Aromas for sleep
Creating an association between a particular fragrance and bedtime can be an easy shortcut to sleepiness. Here's how you can easily perfume your bedroom:
  • Make your own homemade pillow mist to spray before bed. Fill a 60ml amber bottle with distilled water and a few drops of Geogard 221 preservative, plus 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oils. Lavender, vanilla, ylang ylang, bergamot and Roman chamomile are all popular stress-relievers.
  • Scent the whole bathroom in one go by popping a couple of drops of soothing essential oil (mentioned above) in the bottom of the shower tray before having a shower. The steam will fill the bathroom with a calming aroma.
  • Light a scented candle (we love NZ maker Crushes' lavender and lemon "Bonne Nuit" candle). The flickery glow of candlelight, and low lighting generally, is known to be soporific.

Introducing our new facial serums

Written by on March 13th, 2018.      0 comments

Introducing our new pre-blended facial serums, designed to repair and replenish.

Blog post serums-745