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Natural hair conditioner

Written by Elinor on August 10th, 2016.      0 comments

Natural hair conditioner

This conditioner formulation contains jojoba oil and grape seed oil, rich in omega 6 and vitamin E. It has excellent detangling and wet combing properties.
I have found it wonderful for conditioning the dry ends of my hair.

(Makes 1kg)
Step 1
775g water
90g conditioner pellets
Step 2
40g organic jojoba oil
30g organic grape seed oil
30g organic avocado oil
40g glycerin
10g vanilla essential oil
5g Geogard 221
Gently heat Step 1 ingredients in a pot until the pellets have melted.
Blend off and on until cool and starting to thicken.
Add Part B ingredients and continue blending until thick.
Pour into containers.


natural conditioner-517

Papaya peel-off face mask

Written by Elinor on August 3rd, 2016.      0 comments

Papaya peel-off face mask

This orange-coloured face mask is designed to be used in exfoliating and regenerating treatments.
It's made with high-quality alginate which makes a very solid gel. The mask contains papaya extracts, a fruit known for its richness in papain, a proteolytic enzyme which digests proteins and eliminates dead cells on the upper layer of the horned skin.
Papain has a regenerative effect. It contains precursors for arginine and proline, two amino acids known for their stimulating action in cell renewal.
Papaya is rich in carotenoids known for their strong antioxidant and immunostimulating properties, which make it a good ingredient to fight skin ageing.

papaya mask-917-914

Household cleaner

Written by Elinor on July 27th, 2016.      0 comments

Household cleaner

Wonderful for scrubbing bathrooms and kitchens. I love it.
It's a great replacement for products like Jif.

240g baking soda
75g borax
50g  liquid soap
50g warm water
2T vinegar
1T lemon essential oil

Mix the dry ingredients, add the rest and stir until combined.
'Jif' cleaner-360

Kraft tubes for lip balm and deodorant

Written by Elinor on July 11th, 2016.      0 comments

Cardboard tubes

Finally arrived!
They look gorgeous too.
cardboard tubes-408

Grapefruit seed extract

Written by Elinor on July 5th, 2016.      0 comments

Grapefruit seed extract

We get quite a few inquiries for grapefruit seed extract (sometimes sold under its trade name Citricidal) from customers wanting to use it as a natural preservative.
We used to sell it years ago, but then we started to hear disturbing details about it. We no longer stock it.
The marketers of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) have done a great job of promoting it as a natural broad-spectrum preservative.
But, it’s not that simple.
It is, in fact, a very highly processed product which is chemically modified.
Be sure to read the two links below, the authors of which do a much better job of explaining the processes than I would.

Oatmeal, lemon & honey CP soap

Written by Elinor on June 30th, 2016.      0 comments

Oatmeal, lemon & honey CP soap

250g water
115g sodium hydroxide
230g coconut oil
230g sunflower oil
100g palm oil organic
100g pomace oilve oil
50g castor oil
50g shea butter
50g oatmeal
30g lemon verbena FO
30g honey

Instructions for CP soap are online under Resources.
oatmeal honey lemon 2 CP-435

Chest and nasal relief balm

Written by Elinor on June 20th, 2016.      0 comments

Chest and nasal relief balm


A great balm to ease chest and nasal congestion.

Makes 100g.

55g olive oil
15g beeswax
10g menthol crystals
11g camphor essential oil
8g eucalyptus blue gum essential oil

1. Gently heat the olive oil and beeswax until the beeswax is melted. Take off the heat.
2. Add the menthol crystals and stir until dissolved.
3. Add the camphor and eucalyptus essential oils and stir until blended.
4. Pour into containers.

NB: The essential oils and menthol used are volatile oils and will reach their flashpoint if heated.

At their flashpoint the oils will flash flame.


balm side shot-367

Shea and coconut oil butter

Written by Elinor on June 9th, 2016.      0 comments

Shea and coconut oil butter

Makes 200g

120g shea butter
76g coconut oil

In a saucepan, cut the shea butter into small pieces, add the coconut oil and melt just a little.

Whip 10 mins with a beater you would use to whip cream with. Not a stick blender. You need to get air into the mixture to fluff it up.

Spoon into containers.
shea in 200 pot 1-316-791

Lavender & chamomile nappy balm

Written by Elinor on May 30th, 2016.      0 comments

Lavender & chamomile nappy balm

Makes 100g

40g kawakawa infused oil
20g shea butter, wildcrafted
20g calendula infused oil
10g coconut oil, organic virgin
10g NZ beeswax
few drops lavender and chamomile essential oils (optional)

Melt everything (except the essential oils) together gently in a pot.
Take off the heat and add the essential oils. Stir.
Pour into a container and leave to set.

balm with lid-155-186

Cool safety glasses

Written by Elinor on May 12th, 2016.      0 comments

Cool safety glasses


A MUST for soapmaking!

Tired of the same old boring safety glasses?

I certainly am after 15 years of wearing them.

Two colours: pink and green/black.
Chelsea, to the right, is making a fine job of modelling them.
glasses pink-866
glasses green-740


Written by Elinor on May 2nd, 2016.      0 comments


2T coconut oil
1.5T baking soda
20d spearmint essential oil

Melt the coconut oil, add the rest of the ingredients.

Stir on and off while it is solidifying so the baking soda doesn’t sink to the bottom.

This recipe fits in a 50ml pot.

Use a spoon (or something other than your toothbrush) to put some of the paste on to your brush.
The brush will very likely contain water which will introduce mould to the paste.

Making round CP soap

Written by Elinor on April 13th, 2016.      0 comments

Making round CP soap

Round soaps make a nice change. I really like the feel of them in my hands.

An easy way to make them is in a cardboard tube.

Toilet rolls are useful for small guest-size soaps.

Seal one end of the tube with baking paper or plastic held on with a rubber band.

Stand the tube upright and pour the soap in as usual. Cover with towels/blankets as best you can.

After 24 hours, rip off the cardboard and cut the soap.

If the cardboard is difficult to get off, dip the log of soap in water.

The recipe I used for this soap:

Savon Sauvage
230g coconut oil
230g organic palm oil
230g rapeseed oil
230g water
104g sodium hydroxide
5g each of the following essential oils:
clove bud
white thyme

Instructions for making this CP soap can be found on our website.
round CP 2-415

round CP 5-277

round CP 6-355

Whipped shea butter

Written by Elinor on March 29th, 2016.      0 comments

Whipped shea butter

120g shea butter
76g coconut oil

Soften the shea butter and coconut oil, but don't melt.

Whisk for at least 10 minutes.

A stick blender won't work as it doesn't whip the ingredients.

Adding a fragrance is optional. A few drops is all that is needed.

Spoon into a pot.

shea in 200 pot 1-336-922

Green goodess clay mask

Written by Elinor on March 21st, 2016.      0 comments

Green goddess clay mask

1 tablespoon green clay
1 drop chamomile essential oil

In a small bowl, mix the clay with just enough water to form a paste.

Add 1 drop of chamomile essential oil and mix.

Using your fingers, spread the paste over your face and neck.

Leave it on for 15 minutes then wash off with water.
clay green-603-549

Bentonite clay mask

Written by Elinor on March 14th, 2016.      0 comments

Bentonite clay mask

1 tablespoon bentonite clay
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

In a small bowl, mix the clay and the apple cider vinegar to form a paste.

Using your fingers, spread the paste over your face and neck.

Leave it on for 15 minutes then wash off with water.
bentonite NZ-197