Base balm


Base balm

This simple basic base balm recipe combines nourishing oil and wax for a versatile and hydrating balm. Perfect for customising with your favourite essential oils or herbal infusions!

Makes 100g - use our Batch Size Calculator and the percentages provided here to easily adjust the volume of your batch.


Phase A
85.5% | 85.5g organic carrier oil of your choice
15% | 15g beeswax

Phase B
0.5% | 0.5g essential oil (optional)

  • Gently melt Phase A ingredients.
  • Take off the heat and add Phase B ingredients.
  • Stir to combine.
  • Pour into a jar and leave to set.
Oils have varying properties:
Hemp seed and tamanu oils are renown for healing;
Sweet almond is a good base oil, as is sunflower oil.

Add more beeswax for a firmer ointment, more oil for a softer one.

Use infused oils, like calendula oil, for the greater healing power of the herbs. Make sure these oils are part of your base carrier oil.

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