Basic bath bomb

Basic bath bomb

This basic bath bomb recipe combines simple ingredients for a fizzy, relaxing soak. With a blend of baking soda, citric acid, and your choice of essential oils.

450g baking soda
226g citric acid
5g colouring
6g essential oil/fragrance oil
witchhazel (in a mister bottle) you can find mister closures HERE


  • Blend very well the baking soda and citric acid.
  • Add colour and fragrance and blend.
  • Spritz with witchhazel and blend until it is the consistency of wet sand.
  • It should clump in your hand when you squeeze it.
  • Pack very tightly into the 2 halves of the mould. Press together. Wipe away any excess mixture.
  • Press the mould gently and the balls will pop out.
  • Leave to dry for 48 hours.
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