Lavender lotion

Lavender lotion

Embrace simplicity with our Lavender Lotion, made with soothing lavender essential oil. This lightweight formula provides gentle hydration, leaving your skin soft and delicately scented.

Makes 100g - use our Batch Size Calculator and the percentages provided here to easily adjust the volume of your batch.

Phase A
76% | 76g distilled water
6% | 6g glycerin

Phase B
6% | 6g Emulsfier O
10% | 10g carrier oil of your choice

Phase C
1% | 1g lavender essential oil
1% | 1g Geogard 221

  • Heat the Phase A and Phase B separately to 65°C.
  • Combine the two phases and blend with a stick blender until cool.
  • Allow to cool to 40°C and add Phase C ingredients and blend.
  • Spoon into a pot.
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