Why are your products for external use only?

A question we’re often asked is, “Why are your products for external use only?”

The answer is actually pretty straightforward: we’re not licensed to sell food

This is not a reflection of the quality of the oils or other products that we sell, we simply do not have food grade licensed premises.

Food grade oils have been processed by ABP under HACCP and come with appropriate paperwork, that food manufacturers require. There are very strict licensing and certification regulations that need to be met for any premises that package food stuffs. Because we're in the business of cosmetic ingredients we have not gone, nor do we intend to go, down the paths required for such licensing.

While it may seem like a minor difference, there are very strict regulations in place for facilities that package food items, and this includes essential oils, carrier oils, and other natural ingredients. For a business to package and sell food-grade products, the premises must meet rigorous health, safety, and cleanliness standards. These regulations help ensure that any product intended for consumption is prepared in an environment that prevents contamination and meets food safety requirements.

While we’re dedicated to providing the highest-quality ingredients, we are focused on skincare, cosmetic, and aromatherapy products rather than food. Our oils and ingredients are sourced, handled, and packaged with the utmost care for purity and potency, but without the certifications or processes that are legally required to label them as “food-grade.” This choice allows us to concentrate on what we do best, offering safe, effective ingredients for topical and external applications that meet high standards in the cosmetic and wellness industries. So, while you may find essential oils or other products sold elsewhere that are labeled as “food-grade,” it’s important to remember that this designation requires specialised certifications and handling processes.

We keep our focus on supplying premium aromatherapy, skincare & cosmetic ingredients

By keeping our focus on skincare and cosmetic applications, we’re able to ensure that every product we offer meets our strict quality standards, even if they’re intended just for external use.