Carrageenan Gel


A gel is made from water and a thickening agent. This is a very simple base gel using carrageenan gum. Carrageenan makes the hair soft and shiny, helps with detangling and makes the hair smooth by creating a protective silicon-like film on it.

Make Your Own Carrageenan Gel

carrageenangel (2)


Carrageen & Xanthan Gels pictured use gum at 2% in order to properly illustrate the difference between the final gels. 
Xanthan gum creates a wobbly, slightly stringy, gooey type gel. Carrageen creates a thick firm gel.

xanthangel carrageenangel      
Xanthan gel Carrageenan gel      

Makes 100g 

Phase A
94% | 94g distilled water
Phase B
4% | 4g Glycerin
1% | 1g Carrageenan gum
Phase C
1% | 1g Geogard ECT


  1. Weigh out your Phase A
  2. Combine Phase B ingredients to form a slurry (can be done by hand with a spatula, though much easier using an electric beater with just one mixer attached).
  3. Add Phase B slurry to Phase A slowly, stirring as you add until combined.
  4. Add Phase C slowly, stirring until combined

Containers: Store your homemade skincare cream in Glass Pots in a cool place, away from direct sunlight

    Create a larger recipe: Use the percentages in this recipe, in Go Native NZ's Batch Size Calculator to easily adjust the volume of your batch.